Y12 Long Form TV Drama

Make a new Page on your blog- Long Form TV Drama- Homeland and The Killing.

Go to the pages section and add a page, then Publish.
You will then need to make the page visible, go to the layout, click on the pen icon to edit the pages gadget. You then need to add a new item, select your TV Drama page and save at the bottom. You can check that your page is visible by going to view my blog.

Lesson 2:

Lesson 3, contexts and theory.

Lesson 4: Representation of gender and Carrie:

Lesson 5: Representations of Brody:

Lesson 5b Representations of Brody.

Lesson 6- Representation and theory.

Theory table progress- Check what you are missing and complete by the 20th Feb.

Lesson 7 Theory analysis and practice response. 

The Killing 

Lesson 9 Genre and context in the Killing: 

Lesson 10 Sarah Lund representation analysis:

Lesson 11 Social and Cultural context:

Lesson 11b Gender representation and context.

Lesson 12: Theory and scene analysis.

Lesson 12b: Theory and scene analysis

Lesson 13 Viewpoints and Ideologies: 

Lesson 14, exam practice and audience theory.

Lesson 18: Theory revision Q4 representation

End of Year assessment DIRT.

Theory revision lesson 15b for Media language and Industry

Lesson 15c theory for audience and representation. 


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