Y13 News

Revision lesson pre exam 2024. 

Lesson 2 Revision:

Lesson 1: Intro to News.

Lesson 1b Print news: Industry

Lesson 2: Gatekeeping
and news values.

News Lesson 2b: political bias.

Lesson 3: Regulation in print news.

Lesson 3b: Regulation and case study.

Lesson 4: Mock Question 3.

Lesson 4b DIRT and Case studies

Lesson 5: Case studies and cover analysis examples.

Lesson 5b Theory and cover analysis

Lesson 6 News and audience.

Read through the slides on my blog and take notes. Then read and take notes on Harcup and O'Neil news values and apply to the examples.

Lesson 6b Audience and theory.

Lesson 7 media language and Todorov.

Lesson 7b Media language:

Lesson 8 Media Language and ideologies. 

Lesson 8b Media Language and Q2 practice. 

Lesson 8B revisited and guided planning. 

Lesson 9- Representation.

Lesson 9b Representation and theory

Lesson 10 dominant group and Daily Mail.

Lesson 10b Dominant group and the Guardian. 

Lesson 11 ONLINE NEWS.

Lesson 11b ONLINE NEWS

Lesson 12 Online news and Audiences: 

Lesson 12 b Online news- The Guardian and audience theory

Lesson 13 Online news, social media- MailOnline

Lesson 13b- Online and Social news Guardian

Lesson 14 representation MailOnline analysis part 1 and part 2. 

Lesson 14b Representation in the Guardian part 1 and part 2. 

Lesson 15 News Contexts. 

Lesson 15b- News contexts and questions.

Lesson 16 Exam format Q1 and Q2

Lesson 16b News exam format Q3 and Q4

Lesson 17 Theory Q1 and Theory revision.

Lesson 17b Q4 theory structure and revision.

Lesson 18b PPE News DIRT

Lesson 19- Revision notes on Industry and Media Language

Lesson 19b- Revision notes on Audience and Representation

Lesson 20- Case study on Newspapers

Lesson 20b- Case study online newspapers.
Starter: Read the article below.

Lesson 22: Past paper revision


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